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天籁女声Sissel——来自北欧的女歌手 Weightless【迷途海豚】

     来自北欧的女歌手总是这么像天使,为什么她们的歌手总是充满美好的召唤?这首曲子选自 Sissel的《All Good Things》,这位挪威天使带来了空灵清澈的唱腔。Sissel最擅长的是古典风韵的女高音,融入很多流行乐元素,加上她成熟的唱功,加上轻盈的现代的节奏,表现出了一种很不一样的的音乐风情,既不失现代感,又不食人间烟火。


all of my life
i have been waiddddd
wondering what i will do
all i can feel
is my heart beaddddd
time and time again for you
and i'm weightless, falling in love
i am weightless
and i don't know why but i know
it's all right
all i can hear
is my own breathing
echo in my loneliness
if i could sleep
i would be dreaming
of the sweetness of your kiss
and i'm weightless, falling in love
i am weightless
and i don't know why but i know
it's all right
and i'm weightless, falling in love
i am weightless
and i'm so high,
i'm with my angel tonight
and i'm weightless, falling in love
i am weightless
and i don't know why but i know
it's so right
and i'm weightless, falling in love
i am weightless
and i'm so high, i'm with my angel tonight

[ 本帖最后由 mituhaitun 于 2008-10-12 09:13 编辑 ]

