Walters & Kazha虽然是两个人的组合但他们从属于一个叫Putnu Balle的乐队,两个人代表拉托维亚参加2005年的欧洲电视网歌唱大赛(Eurovision Song Contest),凭借一首The War Is Not Over一举成名,然后发表首张专辑《The War Is Not Over》,收录了14首歌曲。 感觉就类似于现在的“我型我SHOW”的东西。。。但更加高级一些 不过这张专辑超好听的,所有人都不能错过啊!!特别是这首Simplicity,我费了很大的劲才下到的,这张专辑连EMULE里面也没有得下,郁闷了~~~
Do you feel the beat of broken heart
When it's blood rush makes you fall apart
The pulse sounds more or less
Like crazyness
Trying to find a meaning of your smile
Thinking it's just the way to make me wild
The pulse sounds more or less
Like mess
Of you and me
It's just a stupid dream
You're overwrote
My history
In such a stupid way
Crish boom bang and I'm a blowing bomb
In your hands and knowing I'm so dumb
The pulse sounds more or less
Like crazyness
If I'm blind I'm looking for my mind
Finddddd out there is no place to hide
The pulse sounds more or less
Like mess