This is not the end, this is not the beginning / 这不是落幕,这不是开篇
Just a voice like a riot rocking every revision / 而是像一通宣泄,震撼所有修订版
But you listen through the tone and the violent rhythm and / 可你听完这曲调,听罢这激昂节奏
Though the words sound steady, something empty's within 'em / 句句虽听来平和,字字却暗藏空洞
We say yeah with fists flying up in the air / 我们说“好!”,拳头向空中挥舞
Like we're holding onto something that's invisible there / 像是我们要紧攥,那里的某个虚无
Cause we're living at the mercy of the pain and fear / 因为痛苦与恐惧,摆布我们的命运
Until we dead it, forget it, let it all disappear/ 等着我们去了结、去忘却、去赶尽杀绝
Waiting for the end to come / 等待落幕那一刻
Wishing I had strength to stand / 唯望有一息尚存
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附件: 铃- Waiting For The End.mp3 (2011-1-12 23:22, 752.51 KB) / 该附件被点击次数 910 作者: ccedc 时间: 2011-1-12 23:37