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鉲啉淛莋⊙﹏⊙轻松动感,调皮可爱:A Little Bit——Jessica Simpson

Jessica Simpson 成名于德州阿比利,在教会合唱团巡回演出,以嘶哑的摇滚节奏的演唱方式博得了大家的尊重,再加上一副天生的好嗓子,《正义前锋》中,那双腿蹬着牛仔皮靴,像是飞机操纵杆在荧幕中掌控一切。让我们看到了除声音之外的“天赋”,一切发生在她身上的幸运仿佛都那样合情合理。

偶不喜欢她那些乱吼的歌,这首《a little bit》听起来感觉挺轻松的,虽然歌词很调皮,看起来也蛮横的,但是却又道出了两个人相处的“秘笈”,多为对方着想,少一些自己,虽然说起来容易,但是a little bit goes a long way。

I'm not the kind of girl to sit out on sidelines
The kind of girl who doesn't say it straight from her mind
You're gonna know all that I'm feeling on the inside
I ain't into games, I don't wanna waste
Any time and all the energy we could spend
Being together boy forever you're my best friend
Got a little problem that I can't mend
You been taking me for granted you

I don't wanna walk away from what we have, and you know it
I'm not telling you all of this to make you mad
It's not about who's right or wrong
It's not about who's weak or strong
It's about what I need to make this last

A little more time, a little less wait
A little more heart, a little less break
Simple and true, what they say
A little bit goes a long way
A little less talk, a little more do
A little more me, a little less you
Baby at the end of the day
A little bit goes a long way