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【1线hao歌】Wrong man for the job

I see it now,

Im Breathing now,

Its time for meeee...

For me..

To let it go

It was cool when it started but now the flame has gone

You´re The Wrong man for The Job,

My heart is breaking in Pieces,im still moving on,

You´re the wrong man for the job,

I cant belive that i Took me so long to realise,

Finally know what it feels like(You´re The wrong man For the Job)

I'm starting over but,I wont be afraid

Im sorry to say,

You´re the Wrong man for the job...
呵呵 支持下楼主 谢谢了
ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding

