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鉲啉淛莋⊙﹏⊙夹带黑人的灵魂唱腔,瑞典偶像最新电子舞曲:Release Me

             Agnes Carlsson(born 1988)是Swedish Idol第二季(2005)的优胜者。她所发行的第一张同名专辑(2005)和于隔年发行的第二张专辑“Stronger”在瑞典当地皆有很好的销售成绩, 也双双拿下专辑榜冠军。德国著名女子团体No Angel还翻唱过“Stronger”专辑里的"I Believe In You" 和 "I Had A Feelin"两首单曲。

  Agnes Carlsson的超龄好嗓音在聆听她现场演唱时会特别有感觉, 夹带着黑人天生的灵魂唱腔, 尾音的拉长的那一瞬间, 深植人心的让人移不开视线。极具力道的嗓音能在歌曲的高低音落点处理地如此恰当轻柔。钢琴伴奏的抒情单曲"Somewhere Down The Road", "Champion", "What Do I Do With All This Love"在Agnes Carlsson磁性嗓音的诠释下, 一股感动的暖流贴近心房, 曾经遗忘的, 能够记住的, 涌聚在听觉, 也许能带动些淡漠哀伤的情绪波动。

Release me , release my body. I now it's wrong, So why am I with you now. I say realese me, Cause I'm not able to convince myself
That I'm better off without you.
Yeah, it's perfectly clear That love's not what you need I tell you I don't care
But I don't want to
Anything that you say
I hear myself agree
And I don't recognize
What i've turned into,

I don't know why I want you so
'Cause I don't need the heart break
I don't know what addictive hold
You have on me I can't shake
No, I'm not in control
So let me go

